Capture Your Moments with VSCO

Toni Tatsuyah
3 min readMay 3, 2021


Introduction of VSCO app.

Today I introduce you the modern and clean app called VSCO.

The general concept is based around photography and community.

Screen Menu Bars

This section includes the five menu bars you can currently see and interact in the VSCO app.

Number One: Feed

The first screen and menu is about your feed.

You can imagine this is about your general feed and also the people who share their pictures on VSCO. It’s quite simple designed and structured.

Like it, share it or Retweet it. Try filter is another option.

Number Two: Discover

The feed is followed by the menu bar Discover.

It’s about curiosity and topics which are trendy on VSCO right now. You can scroll down for more content.

Discover leads to new ideas and opportunities to see different perspective. The scroll bar in the right shows also your current state of the discover page.

Number Three: Studio

It’s feel cool to have a menu bar called studio. This reminds me of a physical studio for photography.

This page allows you to choose from your photos. Mine is empty right here because I don’t give VSCO access to my whole photo library. It’s possible with the new iOS update.

Number Four: Your Profile

This time you can find your profile on the 4th page of VSCO.

On top you see your profiles name and 3 more interactive buttons.

You can add a little biography. Edit your title. And share your VSCO profile. It also shows your own shared photography. And the collection you published in VSCO.

Number Five: VSCO Membership

All about this menu page is the opportunity to get access of the internal membership.

It shows a comparison of the free and members version.

The good thing is you don’t need this to enjoy VSCO. But you need to create a VSCO account.

Final: Next time I will go more into details about each page.

Thanks for reading my introduction to VSCO app!

